Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Money Game Rules

This game is a way of going from absolutely nothing to creating a million dollars. Monetary Alchemy. If you would like me to send you a copy of the rules that someone sent me - just email prosper@telus.net and ask for the MONEY GAME .

I thought it would be fun - ( it always works for me if you call something a game! ) and what did I have to loose? None of my own money was going into the game so I thought I would have a slight detachment to the money which could prove to be a powerful thing.

I have always desired the knowledge of creating wealth and this seemed like an excellent way to learn the fundamentals. What I learnt along the way would become a part of me - and I could repeat them over and over again.

I love to teach and share - so of course I wanted people on the journey with me. I have some folks in my home town who are playing the game with me - and I invite you to play. If we do this right - we should be able to help each other along each level faster.

By sharing our ideas - what works - what doesn't - we will speed up the process and be encouraged. It is important to adopt the thinking of abundance mentality. We will talk about this concept in future posts. Just know that there is more than enough for all of us out there in the universe and hording doesn't benefit anyone.

Creating a journal of the game is a part of the process.

This is the record of my experiences.

I began my accounting and journal records in a black hardcover Blueline columnar book. I still like carrying it around with me - it is an excellent place to jot notes as I am reading and for keeping an account of my games.

I am in the process of transfering my journal over to this blog in order to facilitate others on their journey.

For now - go ahead and read the rules - and then read them again - save them to your computer to go over any time you need to. I guarantee that it is a fun thing to do!

Welcome to the journey if you choose to begin. Keep in contact. We will all benefit.

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